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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Apple Products Inspired Cakes

Bad news today sweet cravers. Apple's big boss, Steve Jobs passed away. He suffered from cancer for few years already and today, his life just ended. He must not be forgotten for he was a great inventor and tech enthusiast. Remember the Apple Macintosh? Thanks to him for the technology we are enjoying today.

Now as I was browsing with other cakes and ice creams blog, I found an interesting post. Something relevant to Steve Jobs, cupcakes that were designed just like the Apple products, iPhone and iPad. If you'd like to see, visit Cupcakes take the Cake.

Here are other photos that I also found from flickr. Very unusual. Very unique. Very cool.

iPad birthday cake
I got this from this link. It was John's birthday, not related to me, and the cake was made by Look at these two:

The purple one is an iPod while beside it is an iPad. There were two separate birthdays for two people. Cool and Cute. Check it in here.
This is from Little House Cakes in flickr. It is an iPad on top of the iPad box placed above the MacBook box.
I wonder how they can do something like this. They are magnificent. I can't describe them in one adjective alone, but they are artistic, creative and lovely. How about you, what made you remember Steve Jobs works?

Enjoy and Crave


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